2014 - April 12, BOBAFest!

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  • Date: April 12, 2014
  • Event Captains: Yaning Zhang (yzhang17), Staly Chin (stalyc)
  • Time: 4:00 to 5:30pm
  • Location: MacGregor Dining


Event Captains

Yaning Zhang and Staly Chin

Event Description

4:00-5:30pm in MacGregor Dining

BOBAFest was moved from McCormick Country Kitchen to MacGregor Dining due to being kicked out by McCormick Exec (this happened to many other groups this CPW). It did not overlap with Activities Midway, so we had the majority of exec present at the beginning. Targets: Kevin Ng, Julia Huang, Landon Carter, David Wong, Staly Chin.

We ran out of materials 30 minutes into the event due to high attendance of prefrosh at the beginning. We expected an attendance of approximately 100 prefrosh + 20-30 MIT undergrad students (BOBAFest is not pubbed to all ATS), but had attendance of about 120-150 in the first 30 minutes, with total attendance of about 180-200 (people stopped coming after the line no longer went all the way out the door because we ran out of tea and boba). We ran out of boba very quickly because many of the first prefrosh took huge serving. Yaning served tea since it was in red Solo cups (~2 ladles full per person), and Clare ended up serving boba to control how much people were taking. We ended up serving additional attendees leftover shaved ice from Midway.

We began prepping milk tea at 9:30am, and put it in the fridge to chill at around noon. We used some of the leftover ice from Midway to chill milk tea at the event, but it was not cooked enough. It would have been better to make it the night before, but since we prepped in the Next Country Kitchen, it's not usually available in the evening during CPW. Additionally, both Staly and Yaning had Next Act that evening and were not available to cook then.

Boba was prepped starting around 1:45pm and had honey and sugar stirred in.


  • Black Tea (50 packets per pot, we made 4 pots full)
  • 5-minute Boba (we used 3 bags, but that was not enough)
  • Condensed Milk (12 cans, 3 per pot)
  • Ice (added to tea to water it down)
  • Assorted snacks
  • Cups (we used leftover big red cups from Costco)
  • Boba straws (we did not cut then in half because we bought plenty more this time)
  • Trash Bags and Tape (to cover eeeverything - taken from Next and MacGregor trash chutes, tape box was unable to be located.)


  • ADVICE FOR FUTURE BOBAFEST: Prepare for fluctuations in attendance dependent on year. Two large metal mixing bowls of boba is definitely enough (and better to have some leftover than not enough) - this is about 5-6 bags. We transported tea in lychee jelly jars left over from care package sales. The lids leak slightly, so do not fill above the top of the body of the container. Each pot translated to about 2.5 lychee jelly jars, and each lychee jar serves about 15-20 people. We now have a gigantic pot which can hold 1.5x the volume of the other pots, and we did not use this pot effectively (it is possible to make 75 packets worth of tea in this pot). We had a good amount of snacks (~$50 was spent on snacks, ~$50 on tea + boba, but more tea and boba was needed).
  • When making milk tea, don't put the tea bags into continuously boiling water. Bring the water to boil and turn off the heat before adding the tea. Doing otherwise will either make the tea bags burst and/or result in extremely bitter tea, which is irrecoverable from.
  • Cardboard was used to first cover the shooting zone, and leftover cardboard became shields. This helped make clean-up easier since MacGregor dining is carpeted.
  • The shooting zone was fairly effective, but we did end up with a couple of stray boba far from where we wanted them. The last several people used jelly to shoot.
  • Let the victims soak their feet post-shooting.
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