2015 - October 3, Om Nom Social

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Time: 5 PM - 6 PM

Location: McCormick Brown Living Room

Event Captains: Cynthia Lo (cyntlo@mit.edu) and Danny Tang (data1013@mit.edu)


Event Description

Big-little social event where bigs meet their littles!


About 100 people RSVP'ed


Aloe Bottles and Boxes of Mochi (distributed to families to distribute among themselves), we had around 220 pieces of mochi total


  • Refer to 2014 Om Nom Social: Same name tag matching system, also boxes. We omitted the parachutes and just decorated the boxes with sharpies. Be sure to order the boxes at least two weeks in advance!

Other Notes

  • General thoughts: We didn't think it was totally necessary to have a game in this event, since it's for people to talk and get to know each other
  • Organized the room for each family to have a table + seating space
  • Littles can find their family by the background color of their name tag (so if their big isn't there, they can at least meet the family)
  • Make sure you have a historian / capable camera person free / not busy meeting littles to take family pictures.
  • Make sure we have people (preferably without littles) manning the front tables to tell bigs and littles what to do.
  • Tell exec ahead of time to decide what to do when families have combined (we had them talk to each other)
  • Families went around introducing themselves played games, took family pictures.
  • About 1 hour of prep is good enough
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