2011 - March 5, Family Potluck

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Event Captains


Ginger Yang (yginger@mit.edu)

Qian Long (qlong@mit.edu)


Victor Hung (vhung@mit.edu)


37 for dinner

21 stayed for activities after


2011 Setup

  • We had the green living room - space was slightly limited but still manageable. Food was served in dining.
  • The general setup was the same as 2010
  • A table was borrowed from the country kitchen for the projector to sit on, and a couch was parallel with and touching the table (separating the two sides of battleship twister)


  • Send out a google doc and have families sign up approximately 2 weeks before the event!
  • Make a shopping list. (Check condiments and whatnot in storage first!)
  • Purchased food with ZipCar at Super 88 (Get the Zipcar for approximately 4hours)Don't forget to get drinks!
  • Delivered food to requested dorms
  • Some families purchased their own food
  • Spent ~$500 for food, ZipCar, and giftcards ($60 to Infusions: 1st place: $30, 2nd place: $20, and 3rd place: $10)

Winners for food: Best Meat Dish: >U(Emily Yang) with Rou Zao Fan Best Veggie Dish: Funky Monkies (Catherine Fan): Jiu Cai Dou Fu Gan Best Dessert: Funky Monkies (Catherine Fan): Papaya and Gelatin Best Presentation: Boba Shrimp Co (Jet Zhou, Juliann Shih, Garrett Lau): Basically everything President's Choice: Big Fat Fuzzy Love (Lindsey Shi): Pineapple Honey Salmon

Each food category winner earned 5 points for the family :]


  • 2 Twisters and 1 Taboo borrowed from McCormick
  • 1 Cranium and 1 Taboo borrowed from Next
  • Someone to be at the booth to explain the games
  • <Instructions / Link here>

Overall winners for all the games earned 10 points for first place, 5 points for second place and 3 points for 3rd place.

Overall winners: 1st place: >U 2nd place: Big Fat Fuzzy Love 3rd place: Funky Monkies

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